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wow gold

已有 1250 次阅读 2011-5-10 16:35

wow gold
What is Assist? There is a wow gold command n this shortcut key is ? and it lets you select the target of your target. For if friend A is wow gold attacking mob B, you can target friend A and press F, then u get mob B as your target. So, Assist is when you wow gold target the mob as the person you are isting.
Why Assist? To is to gain efficiency and viability. If you in a battle with multiple mobs, it is logical to try to bring down the mobs one by one. In group work, to concentrate your firepower is very important. Instead of wow gold every party member tries to solo her/his mob, you will want to concentrate your firepower on one mob first, then move on to the next one when the previous one is dead. By , you are killing mobs faster and therefore reducing overall taken. Asssist wow gold allows also the wow gold tanks to hold aggro on the other targets which are not being attacked easier. And making the healers jobs easier as they now can concentrate on the tanks.
Assisting should be used in almost all kinds of groups. Even in a 2-man group, when you face more then one mob, the idea of still valid: you take down one mob as fast as possible, thus reduce the done to the group in general; in cases mobs can run, instead of two runners at the time, you have only one runner to deal with. Even in a raid like in Strathomle, you can still the MA on the elites while the mages are AoEing the non-elites.

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